Sunday, November 3, 2013

They were lovely because He loved them.

I figured out the Bloglovin' is just a reader. It's not for posting. That's ok. I love robots and humans.

This morning Tyler and I were in Kid's Refuge (our church is called Refuge). We have kids age 4-6, and we usually have about 12-15 kids. It's kind of nuts. Today they were oddly calm and fantastic. I love asking them questions and reasoning with them. We were drawing pictures of the world and talking about how God made it. I asked them if God made Halloween candy, and they all flipped out "NOOOOOO!!!" But He did make milk.

 Anyway. I really connected with some of the kids today, and some that have a reputation for being "bad." Kids just need to be listened to. They're smart, and they want to be sweet.

Tyler read them the story of Creation from the Jesus Storybook Bible. At one point it says, "And they were lovely because He loved them." And I had all these little girls sitting around me and one of the "bad" little boys, and I just wanted to hug all of them and tell them how lovely they are, not because they're good, but because He loves them, and always has.

I took a catnap, Tyler made this incredible lunch of ground turkey, squash, zucchini, and some canned pumpkin.. spinach too I think. Anyway it was awesome. We went for a walk at the Eco Park with the dogs who probably felt like they were on vacation, running through the woods with no leashes. I never had a dog that would do that without running away or murdering a small child, so it terrifies me and thrills me at the same time, and I get a little controlling and bossy... but I love it. We drove by Charlotte's dad's house, Mac. He was out, as was his sweet owner Janet, who hugs me and kisses me when she sees me. We let them play together and it was a madhouse.

A really inspiring girl named Hope, who I barely know through my soul sister Lacy, is doing a two week yoga challenge and documenting it on instagram. Practicing for 20 minutes a day and documenting one pose. It's a lot harder than you think to have a home practice. The space needs to be right. It helps to have a freakin mat, but mine is always at the studio. I'll bring it home tomorrow. Anyway, I feel great. Just what I needed right now. And whilst the interweb can be a tricky labyrinth to maneuver, I'm thankful for it because I actually get to know really cool people that I wouldn't otherwise.

I reached out to a lady on facebook that I've been seeing at church, but had yet to meet her. I am normally the one to awkwardly facebook message or ask a basic stranger to coffee. There's just something in me. When I get the little push, it just can't be stopped. Usually it's well received, and sometimes I think I terrify people. Anyway, I was behind this woman at church today and I could have not said anything and she wouldn't have known. I considered it. But then I said "Hi, Whitney" from behind her and stuck my hand out to say "Nice to meet you in person." She stared at it, possibly even disappointed, and said "Oh, I want to hug you." So we hugged and talked and I kind of love her.

I'm heading to girl's night now, for our Community Group. Tyler leaves me tomorrow morning for a work trip and won't come home until Wednesday night, so I might just die. But... no, I'll live. With the lights on, and crazy sleeping patterns.

With love... Shanny.


  1. let me know if you need company tuesday. or someone to stay the night that night, it's my day off...

  2. Funny, Mitch leaves in the morning and comes back Wednesday night too. And I love your stories.
